In dieser Folge sprechen wir über waldschutzrelevante Neomyceten, die aus der Schweiz gemeldet wurden.
AFZ Der Wald 9/2021
Langer, G. (2017). Collar rots in forests of Northwest Germany affected by ash dieback. Balt. For, 23, 4-19.
Karadžić, D., Stanivuković, Z., Milanović, S., Sikora, K., Radulović, Z., Račko, V., … & Milenković, I. (2020). Development of Neonectria punicea Pathogenic Symptoms in Juvenile Fraxinus excelsior Trees. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11.
Heluta, V. P., Takamatsu, S., & Siahaan, S. A. (2017). Erysiphe salmonii (Erysiphales, Ascomycota), another East Asian powdery mildew fungus introduced into Ukraine. Український ботанічний журнал, (74,№ 3), 212-219.
Beenken, L., & Brodtbeck, T. First record of Erysiphe salmonii causing powdery mildew on Fraxinus ornus in Switzerland. New Disease Reports (2020) 42, 22.
Cornejo, C., Hauser, A., Beenken, L., Cech, T., & Rigling, D. (2020). Cryphonectria carpinicola sp. nov. Associated with hornbeam decline in Europe. Fungal Biology. 125 (2021) 347e356.
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 30.05.2021